Commonly Used Acronyms

AA Area Agency
ABD Acquired Brain Disorder
ACA Affordable Care Act
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act
ADD Attention Deficit Disorder
ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
APTD Aid to Permanently & Totally Disabled
ASD Autism Spectrum Disorder
BD Behavioral Disability
BDM Bureau of Data Management
BDS Bureau of Developmental Services
BFCS Bureau of Family-Centered Services
BI Behavioral Interventionist
BPD Borderline Personality Disorder
BSA Basic Service Agreement
BSP Behavior Support Plan
Bx Behavioral
CAP Corrective Action Plan
CAP Community Action Plan (Program)
CB  Community Bridges
CD Communication Disorder
CDC Childhood Development Center
CDS Communication Disorder Specialist 
CEC Council for Exception Children
CI Complaint Investigation
CM Case Management
CM Case Manager or Case Management
CMS Center for Medicaid & Medicare Services
COI Conflict of Interest
COSF Child Outcome Survey Form
CP Cerebral Palsy
CPS Community Participation Services
CQL Council on Quality and Leadership
CR Client Rights
CRC Clinical Review Committee
CSNI Community Support Network, Inc
CSS Community Support Services
CTLC Charting the Life Course
DAADS Designated Area Agency Delivery System
DBT Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
DCYF Division for Children, Youth and Families
DD Developmental Disability
DDC/CDD Council on Developmental Disabilities
DEI Diversity Equity & Inclusion
DFA Division of Family Assistance
DHHS Department of Health & Human Services
DRC Disability Rights Center
DRF  Designated Receiving Facility
DS  Down Syndrome
DSP Direct Support Professional
Dx Diagnosis
EA Emergency Assistance
EEG Electroencephalogram
EFC Enhanced Family Care
EHA Education for the Handicapped Act of 1975
EI Early Intervention aka ESS Early Support Services (Birth to 3)
EPSDT Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis Treatment
ESS Early Support Services
EVV Electronic Visit Verification
FAP Family Assistance Program
FAPE Free and Appropriate Public Education
FDS Family Directed Support
FMLA Family Medical Leave Act
FMS Fiscal Management Services
FSC Family Support Coordinator
FY Fiscal Year
HB House Bill
HCBC Home and Community-Based Care
HCCSD Home Care for Children with Severe Disabilities (aka Katie Beckett)
HI Hearing or Health Impaired
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HR Human Resources
HRC Human Rights Committee
HRCL High-Risk Check List
HRIS Human Resource Information System
HRST Health Risk Screening Tool
HV Home Visit
IAC Inter-Agency Advisory Committee
IC Intake Coordinator
ICC Interagency Coordinating Council
ID Intellectual Disability
IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IEP Individual Education Program
IFS Individual & Family Supports
IFSP Individual and Family Support Plan
IHS  In-Home Supports
IMH Infant Mental Health
IOD Institute on Disability 
IR  Incident Report
IRC Internal Review Committee
ISA Individual Service Agreement
ISP Individual Service Plan
ITS Intensive Treatment Supports
JRA Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
LD Learning Disability
LRE Least Restrictive Environment
LRMC Local Risk Management Committee
LSC Life Skills Coach
LTSS Long-Term Supports & Services
MCAC Medicaid Consumer Advisory Council
MCO Managed Care Organization
MD Muscular Dystrophy
MDT Multidisciplinary Team
MEAD Medicaid for Employed Adults with Disabilities
MH  Mental Health
MMIS Medicaid Management Information System
MOAB Management of Aggressive Behavior
MS Multiple Sclerosis
NCI National Core Indicator
NFN National Fathers Network
NHH New Hampshire Hospital
OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
OCR Office of Civil Rights
ODD Oppositional Defiant Disorder 
OOD Out-of-District Placement 
OPG Office of Public Guardian
OSERS Office of Special Education and Rehab Services
OT Occupational Therapy
PCP Person-Centered Planning
PCP Primary Care Physician
PCT Person-Centered Thinking
PDD Autism
PDMS Participant Directed and Managed Care
PM Program Manager
PSB Problematic Sexualized Behaviors 
PT Physical Therapy
PTO Paid Time Off
QA Quality Assurance
QI Quality Improvement
RA Risk Assessment
RDS Residential and Day Services
RFP Request for Proposal
RMP Risk Management Plan
Rx Prescription
SA/PA Service Authorization/Prior Authorization
SB Senate Bill
SC Service Coordinator
SDS Self Directed Services
SDSC Self-Directed Service Coordinator
SEP  Supported Employment Program
SIS Supports Intensity Scale
SLD Specific Learning Disability
SPL Speech-Language Pathology
SPU Secure Psychiatric Unit
SRMC Statewide Risk Management Committee
SS Social Services
SSDI  Social Security Disability Income
SSI Social Security Income
SSL Specialty Services 
START Systemic, Therapeutic, Assessment, Resource & Treatment
SW Social Work
TA Task Analysis
TBI Traumatic Brain Injury
TDD Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf/Hearing Impaired
Tx Treatment
VI Visually Impaired
VR Vocational Rehabilitation 
WL Wait List

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