NH Family Ties Advisor Program

NH Family Ties invites you to “share your knowledge” and become a part of the family strengthening movement in NH.  If you or a family member experience a disability, you advocate daily for needs that are important to you or your loved one.  Each of us has the potential to serve as an advisor in many capacities within our State.  NH Family Ties would like to offer you the opportunity to take the next step in Advocacy and Leadership and become a NH Family Ties Advisor. 

As a NH Family Ties Advisor, you will be invited to share your expertise in the Education and Health and Human Service fields.  You will also be notified of trainings and be given the opportunity to participate. Your knowledge could be shared in many capacities:

  • Attend a Focus Group
  • Participate in a Survey
  • Serve on an Advisory Board
  • Share Challenges/Successes
  • Review Educational Materials/Grants
  • Participate on a Committee or Council
  • Become part of a Task Force


As opportunities become available, you will be notified via email or a phone call from your NH Family Ties Coordinator or The Department within the State that needs your assistance.  Your participation is completely voluntary and what is conducive to your life at the time of contact.


your feedback matters person at desk computer join us